Turn Your Child’s Bath Time into Fun Time

Splash Time!

Not all kids like bathing. Sometimes, you have to literally drag your little one, or pick him like a gunny bag and transport him to the bathroom. So bathing time for kids can mean weight lifting exercises for some mummies out there! Still, read these tips and use them to make bath time a great experience – every time. Collect your child’s bathing paraphernalia – favorite soap, fruity shampoo, colorful towel – and get set to go splashy.

It goes (almost) without saying that you should never leave your child unsupervised around water.

Measure It Out
Measuring cups are fun for pouring and filling in the bathroom. Bring your extra set into the bathroom – they can be great happy learning tools for your child. Kids can stack and pour to their heart’s content and ever learn to wet their own hair. This will also help your kid overcome her fear of water. And use the opportunity to teach your kid about measures.

Sing Out Loud
There are no critics in the bathroom. So sing to your hearts’ content. Bath time favourites include ‘Rubber ducky’, splash splash-splish splash’ or the all-time favourite ‘This little piggy’ while you wash your child’s toes.

Go Fish
If you have plastic fish toys, put them in the water and give your child a big measuring cup so that he can use it to capture his fish. Watch how fast your child can catch a fish. If you have many fish of different colors, play fish store and request your special fish and watch him chase it around the bucket or tub. Sure fun!

Dolly Bath
Is your little girl always wanting to give her dolls a bath? She can too! From her repertoire of dollies, choose one that will not suffer for being washed. Show her how to shampoo and rinse the doll’s hair – and here’s the trick, wash hers while she works on her dolly. No more shrieks and tears.

Get Spongy
Cut animal shapes from new sponge in the shape or alligators, seahorses, and fish – all the popular water critters you can thing of – then fabric paint them. Once these are dried, put them in your kid’s bath and allow her to play with them. You can also make shoebox aquarium and populate it with the sponge animals and fish!

Soap Story
Soap can actually raise the bathing fun quotient. The special soaps now available in the market are great on kid’s skin, usually glycerin-based, and come with family scents like strawberry and orange.

Look Before You Bathe
Keep some safety tips in mind before your child’s splash time:
* Use a good quality bath mat to help prevent slips and falls.
* Run the water first, test it to make sure it’s not too hot or cold and then allow your little one to splash about.
* Never allow your child to run the hot tap.
* Be sure the bottom of the tub or bucket is clean and free of old soap residue.
* Place bathing materials within reach so you don’t have to leave your child unattended.